(a) any other structure, whether of temporary or permanent
nature and irrespective of materials used in the erection thereof, erected or used for or in connection with
(i) the accommodation or convenience of human beings or animals;
(ii) the manufacture, processing, storage, display or sale of any goods;
(iii) the rendering of any service;
(iv) the destruction or treatment of refuse or other waste materials;
(v) the cultivation or growing of any plant or crop
(b) any wall, swimming bath, swimming pool, reservoir or bridge or any other structure connected therewith;
(c) any fuel pump or any tank used in connection therewith;
(d) any part of a building, including a building as defined in paragraph (a), (b) or (c);
(d) any part of a building, including a building as defined in paragraph (a), (b) or (c);
(e) any facilities or system, or part or portion thereof, within or outside but incidental to a building, for
the provision of water supply, drainage, sewerage, stormwater disposal, electricity supply or other similar
service in respect of the building.
Similarly, erection is defined as
(Erection) in relation to a building, includes the alteration, conversion, extension, rebuilding, re-erection,
subdivision of or addition to, or repair of any part of the structural system of any building.
Under the above-mentioned Act, the Building Control Department serves to regulate the erection of all
buildings to ensure their compliance with the National Building Regulations & related SANS 10400 standards.
Mossel Bay Municipality Building Control is situated on the third floor of Montagu Place, 111 Montagu Street, Mossel Bay.
The information desk – also where building plans are submitted – is open from 08:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to15:00 daily.
The Building Inspectors are available in the office from 08:00 to 09:30 before they leave to conduct their inspections,
and return again in the afternoon from 15:00 to 16:15 daily.
For advertising, please contact Francis Brandt 044 606 5078.
All necessary documentation can be found here for download or on the Portal.
Please refer to these Notices for further information on what is required for submissions.
At Mossel Bay Municipality, and in line with article 13 of the National Building Regulations and Standards
Act, no. 103 of 1977, a building application is required for the erection of any structure, including those
listed as Minor Building Works.
The reason for the submission is to confirm
that the proposed structure does indeed comply with the definition of Minor Building Works –
please refer to this information notice for a detailed list;
the size and building method/materials, in order to advise the owner when/where necessary;
that the structure is within the building line, as prescribed in the Zoning Scheme, or whether a building
line relaxation is required;
that no municipal services or infrastructure is affected;
that all relevant safety issues are addressed (eg. swimming pools);
that no transgressions are committed in terms of any other by-law.
The application for Minor Building Works, however, requires only a site plan, possible elevation and/or
section (all on A3 size) and the Minor Works application form. The site plan must indicate
As stated in the letter accompanying your approved plan, it is the responsibility of the owner
(or his representative – contractor) to notify the Building Inspector of inspections at least 2
days prior to the intended inspection date
Foundation inspection
Do I need to submit a plan?
Yes. Please refer to the Building Applications section for more information
Where do I find out what the building lines are for my property?
Please contact Town Planning: 044 606 6290
How long does it take to get my plan approved?
Please refer to this information notice detailing the process. According to the National Building Regulations,
the local authority must respond to abuilding plan application within 30 days (for plans of up to 500m²).
We do this by either sending a Request for additional information or the approval letter. Please contact your
architectural professional if you have not heard from us directly.
How do I attach a document to a message?
ou can’t. The message serves as a prompt to remove the existing document and upload a revised version or
upload additional documentation.
How do I upload revised drawings or documents?
First remove/delete the old version of the document by clicking on the action button. The document that
was removed is now required for uploaded again under Outstanding Documents.
I can not register with my company email address.
Only one user can register using a single email address. If there are various users making use of 1 address,
different people can log into the same account (with the same email & same password).
Why won’t my selection of the drop-down menu (data source) pull into the application?
Once you have selected the item from a data source, you have to click submit in order for the choice to register.
Why are there multiple documents with the same name after I’ve uploaded my documents?
Because you have uploaded more than 1 PDF file. Every document required should be uploaded in 1 complete PDF file.
If revisions are required, remove the entire file and upload a complete new set. You can use these easy apps to
manage your PDF’s:
How do I get the Home Owners Association approval onto my plans?
Please refer to this information notice. The municipality has consented that plans can be submitted without
HOA approval initially and be approved/stamped once all other requirements have been met. We have however asked
all HOA’s to consider switching to an electronic approval system (as some have already done) to accommodate
electronic Building Plan Applications.
As per the National Building Regulations and Standards Act, no 103 of 1977, neglecting to comply with certain articles & regulations make you guilty of an offence and can lead to a fine being issued. Some of the most common transgressions Building Control officials have to
Offence Liability Busy erecting/have erected a building without an approved plan/prior to the plan being approved R2500 Illegal demolition, including that of asbestos materials R1500 Failing to provide a toilet facility on site R1000 Deviation from an approved plan, including building outside the erf boundaries R2500 Dangerous building or building works R3000 Excessive/accumulated rubble on or around the site R1500 Illegally occupying a building without an occupation certificate R2500 Using a building for another purpose than that for which it was approved R2500 Not allowing a Building Control officer onto your property R1500 Using an unqualified plumber R1000 Using a drainage installation without the necessary inspections R1500 Failing to the municipal sewer system where such is provided R1000 Discharging sewage to the stormwater network, a street, other property or natural waterways, OR discharging stormwater to the sewer system R1500 Failing to properly protect a swimming pool R1500 Failing to provide the necessary fire equipment and/or escape routes R1500 Ceasing building work for more than 3 months Cancellation of approved plans
The Town of Mossel Bay has a rich story, evident also by the many elegant stone- and other historic buildings.
In order to preserve this history in accordance with The National Heritage Resources Act, no 25 of 1999, Mossel
Bay Municipality works closely with the Heritage and Aesthetics Committeee. Though the committee is facilitated
by the Building Control department, it is comprised of
Ms Carina Wiggill of the Mossel Bay Heritage Society; and
Mr Dawie Nel, Professional Architect.
Any alterations, additions, changes (& new works in demarcated areas) require a permit/approval, including:
The Act applies to any building older than 60 years, or demarcated areas with significant heritage value, which includes, but not limited to:
The first survey of structures with heritage value was done in 1984 - The Baumann Report
(published by the National Monuments Council) detailed Mossel Bay’s unique building style & structures to
be preserved. Later, Conservation Guidelines were published followed by Advertising Guidelines more recently.
The latest survey is used for reference during the Committee’s weekly meetings and is available for viewing at
the Building Control department.
The Heritage & and Aesthetics Committee meet every Wednesday at 09:00, in the Building Control boardroom,
third floor, Montagu Place, 111 Montagu Street, Mossel Bay.
For further information please refer to The Architectural Design Guideline Manual for Mossel Bay and
Heritage Western Cape
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